Analytics & BI

Turn your data into valuable information
that can be leveraged for decision-making

Analytics & BI

You don’t need a crystal ball

Project data trends, get a broader view of your operations and track performance,
so you can act on it immediately.


Break down data silos, unleash the power of your data, and give it value by converting it into actionable information that can help to develop and optimise your strategy.


Make your data easier to understand by using graphic elements, highlighting patterns, trends and outliers. If you prefer, you can export your data or integrate it with your BI tool.


Detect areas of improvement and new opportunities. Stay one step ahead of your competition by making effective use of your data and shortening your response times.

No necesitas una bola de cristal

Say goodbye to your static reports

The only constant in the business world is the speed of things.
Use dynamic and interactive reports that allow you to stay agile in tackling the challenges you face.

Custom dashboards

Design your own dashboards in a simple interface by dragging & dropping the indicators that matter for your business.


Transform your contact center’s culture and strengthen your team’s cohesion by encouraging friendly competition and recognition.

Drill down

Interact with your dashboards to filter and establish thresholds that enable you to deep-dive into your data and get the level of detail you want.

Workforce management

Get the right tools to measure your agent’s performance, provide them with improvement opportunities and allow them to enjoy what they do.

Quality management

Turn every interaction into a tool for managing your service quality, and convert your customer’s feedback your into customer satisfaction.

Numintec + Power BI

Your data is yours, and Numintec puts it in your hands.

Numintec + Power BI
All your information…

Integrate Power BI with Numintec and get all the data you need in your analytics environment.

…the way you want it

Manage how you display data and leverage Power BI’s potential to design charts, tables and lists.

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