Numintec present at the ‘Ben Fet!’ strategic reflection day

On June 18, Numintec participated in the strategic reflection day for companies with the ‘Ben Fet’ label organized by PIMEC and IESE, which was attended by more than 50 companies from all over Catalonia.
The ‘Ben Fet!’ label, held by Numintec, is a brand that certifies the origin and traceability of Catalan products and services and promotes their consumption both nationally and internationally. The brand awareness campaigns project the products and services they offer as quality benchmarks, which helps them sell more and grow both in Catalonia and around the world.
During the day, the digital transformation and the perspectives on the future of work were analyzed, and a networking session was also held, in which companies were able to elaborate a decalogue of future opportunities that includes ideas and proposals to improve the future actions of SMEs. The document is available for download (in Catalan) at this link.