Numintec Portugal team inaugurates new office!

In recent years Numintec has grown a lot, and our Portuguese office has become smaller and smaller, so we decided to move forward and locate ourselves in a new, larger and more modern space, which allows us all to coordinate better and continue to provide solutions to even more customers.

Now that we’re settled in the new office we thought, what better way to share this good news than with our community! A new phase begins here, which we face with great enthusiasm, excitement and with the nerves that precede any great change.  We hope to share many more updates like this over time.



Numintec present at the ‘Ben Fet!’ strategic reflection day

On June 18, Numintec participated in the strategic reflection day for companies with the ‘Ben Fet’ label organized by PIMEC and IESE, which was attended by more than 50 companies from all over Catalonia.

The ‘Ben Fet!’ label, held by Numintec, is a brand that certifies the origin and traceability of Catalan products and services and promotes their consumption both nationally and internationally. The brand awareness campaigns project the products and services they offer as quality benchmarks, which helps them sell more and grow both in Catalonia and around the world.

During the day, the digital transformation and the perspectives on the future of work were analyzed, and a networking session was also held, in which companies were able to elaborate a decalogue of future opportunities that includes ideas and proposals to improve the future actions of SMEs. The document is available for download (in Catalan) at this link.

COACB relies on Numintec’s solution to upgrade their telephony system

At Numintec, we continue to focus on the implementation of our cloud telephony solution in the Official Schools of Barcelona. In this case, the COACB (Colegio de Agentes Comerciales de Barcelona) has relied on Numintec’s solution to upgrade their telephony systems with very different technological functionalities. One of the main objectives of the COACB is to improve the loyalty of its members through the intelligence in the calls received and the approach with the member. They have also decided to rely on Numintec to continue to help them improve their infrastructure and Internet connections.

The Colegio Oficial de Agentes Comerciales de Barcelona (COACB) is a registered association with its own personality jurídica, established on 1926 and protected by the Professional Associations Act. With its extensive experience, it has consolidated its position as a reference point for commercial agents of Catalonia.

Office24 contracts Numintec’s cloud-based telephony solution

Office24 is relying on Numintec’s cloud-based telephony solution to improve their call center and be more efficient when it comes to receiving and managing orders. With the integration with their current CRM of the company SAI (“Interactive Access Systems”) allows them to receive calls and manage them automatically from the same CRM. In addition, they have also opted for the mobility of their workers with the CloudSoftphone solution, which allows them to take their extension to their mobile phone through an App and be available to all their customers from anywhere.

Office24 is a leading company in Europe in the supply of office equipment, school materials and furniture for companies. Mainly, they offer Pay As You Go programs, printing services, graphic design and recycling of consumables, paper, batteries and electronics. For this reason, they have a wide range of products and more than 20,000 references that cover almost any need in different types of companies and sectors.


New product: NuminBot, Numintec’s chatbot

NuminBot’s mission is to have a conversation with a person in order to be able to answer the most frequently asked questions, in other words, a software that imitates conversation with people using artificial intelligence, something that, when used effectively in companies, can speed up processes and prevent users from leaving the website while encourages them to buy or contract a service.

NuminBot is the perfect alternative for users who don’t like to make calls or surf the web for minutes, and the best part is that it’s very easy to implement, at first you just have to teach him to answer the most common questions and little by little he will naturally learn to answer more questions.

Would you like to talk to NuminBot?

Click on the link below and then on ‘Send Message’.

How can you leverage cloud technology in your business? From ‘what’ to ‘how’.

By Isidoro Sánchez, technical director of Numintec.

In 1997 Steve Jobs made the following reflection after his return to Apple: “I don’t need a hard drive on my computer if I can get to the server fast. At that time when we were talking about computers, we got lost with data about gigabytes, megahertz, disks and devices. The cloud allows us to forget all this and talk directly about needs and services, isolating them from the technology that supports them.

It is clear to all of us that our company must be “uploaded” to the cloud or at least take advantage of this technology that is so widely talked about.

“Uploading” the company to the cloud is not just a change in technology, but a change in the way we work and interact internally and with our customers. The advantages of uploading to the cloud are many but the difference is in how we make our company benefit from it.

The first thing we try to do when we want to “upload” our company to the cloud is to replicate exactly what we have. In other words, we move servers and equipment from our infrastructure to the network of a third party, virtualizing our desktops and disks on the Web. In short, the day after being “uploaded” to the cloud everything remains the same.

Before deciding which tools to use, we should consider how we can maximize the benefits of the cloud:

1 – Teamwork and collaboration culture
Let’s make the most of the tools that the network offers us, making the people in the organization really work as a team. An example of this is not sending a document for review but rather sharing, commenting and working on the same document, obtaining a single definitive version quickly.

2 – Disconnect people from their “location”
We can count on any member of our team immediately and wherever you are. Cloud technologies allow us to easily meet on the web, share work and use the same tools.

3 – Untying our services from operating systems and devices
Our company and our employees must always be able to work, wherever they are and whatever device they have. For this reason, it will be very helpful to base work applications on WEB interfaces that allow us to work from a tablet or from an Internet café.

4 – Information available in real time
The information collected by each member of an organization must always be available to the company from anywhere. This information must be secure and it must be possible to immediately remove access from those who no longer need it. The key is that even if there is nothing on the device of any member of the organization you can access everything you need. In short, if someone takes a PC from the company they won’t find anything inside.

Finally, we will know if we are considering a successful migration to the cloud with a very simple test: if we change the computer of any member of our company, it should be able to work immediately without installing anything and without missing anything.

Link to the original article in Spanish.

Digital Transformation Conference with Dropbox and Plantronics

The new opportunities that arise thanks to technology are within the reach of all companies but involve changes in process management. During the conference held on 23 May at the NH Collection Hotel in Madrid, attendees had the opportunity to learn about the keys to success and to begin to apply them in a simple and effective way.

Montse Pérez (Management Assistant at Numintec), Marc Tubau (IT Expert Engineer at Numintec) and Juan Sañudo – Lasagabaster (Distribution Account Manager at Plantronics) were in charge of the presentations on the integration of Numintec tools with Dropbox and the new workspace. Finally we finished with a draw to win Plantronics products, congratulations to the winner!

We would like to thank Ingram Micro for sponsoring this event. Ingram Micro helps companies maximize the value of the technology they manufacture, sell or use. With its large global infrastructure and its focus on the cloud, it allows it to operate more efficiently and successfully in the markets.

Agencia Fernández de Sola expands 61 extensions at its headquarters in Barcelona

The Fernández de Sola Agency, a leading company in the national and international freight forwarders and customs brokers sector, is in the midst of a phase of expansion, and this past month they have increased their staff by 61 new agents.

AFS’ line of business is based on the application of the latest logistics technologies and the mastery of information sources, combined with a team of people who are focused on providing the best service to their customers. For this reason, they have also decided to improve their relationship with Numintec, which will provide each of the new agents with the necessary extensions to enable the management and monitoring of incoming and outgoing communications services for Voice, Video, SMS, Chat and many other advantages.

These solutions will allow them to continue offering their services with maximum reliability and quality assurance. All this accompanied by an excellent customer service and total control of goods thanks to their online service.

IVIDA contracts our InvoxContact and PBX solution

We are pleased to announce that IVIDA is improving its technology by installing our complete InvoxContaxt Advanced Contact Center solution and our PBX system to optimize its telephony system and increase in efficiency.

From now on, workers will be able to enjoy the advantages offered by our products, such as intelligent routing based on multiple criteria, voiceover management, schedule and calendar management, advanced management of waiting queues, real-time call recording, multi-conferencing, and many more that you can discover here.

About IVIDA:

IVIDA is a cord blood bank belonging to IVI, the largest reproductive medicine group in the world, where more than 160,000 children have been conceived. IVI is the only Spanish cord blood bank that collects, analyzes, processes, cryopreserves and stores stem cells from umbilical cord blood, with the guarantee that it will be managed entirely by company employees, without the need for intermediaries. This bank has numerous FACT-Netcord accreditations and commits itself to the families to store only umbilical cord blood that is of sufficient quality for possible use.

Numintec, present at the Contact Forum

During the 30th and 31st of May we were exhibiting our new products and solutions at the Contact Forum in Barcelona, the first event in Spain that boosts synergies with other markets, the customer experience and new business alternatives.

During the day, in addition to better understanding our market, its changes, needs and ecosystem, we were able to interact and establish professional relationships with companies in the Security and Hospitality sectors with which we saw synergies.